Understanding the Dangers of DWI

Dangers of Driving While Intoxicated

Every day, hundreds of car crashes happen on the streets of Chicago and other locations—some of them fatal. While insurance companies can help settle minor collisions, more serious accidents, especially those involving drunk driving, require the expertise of Chicago car accident lawyers or one in your area. Experienced legal counsels can do more than ensure your rights are protected. They can also help you mitigate the immediate and long-term impacts of this criminal offense.

We’ve all heard and seen warnings about the consequences of driving while impaired or driving while intoxicated (DWI). And the legal issue is just one of the many. These sobering truths will change your mind about getting behind the wheel while impaired.

The Cold Hard Facts About DWI

In the United States, roughly 37 people die daily in drunk driving accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This means traffic crashes can be so common they claim the life of an individual every 39 minutes. These fatal incidents could have been prevented if drivers only stayed sober. (1)

States to Look at

With 20 fatal crashes per 100,000 people, Montana has the highest rate of deaths due to driving crashes in the country—90% of these due to impaired driving. South Carolina is the second riskiest for drivers, with 71% of fatalities caused by DWI. Illinois, where Chicago is located, is on the 15th spot, but it has one of the highest percentages of deaths caused by impaired driving at 76 percent. (2)

The 2022 NHTSA report also indicated that New Jersey, Nebraska, and Maine are a few of the safest areas for drivers—after dropping their fatal car crashes per capita in last year’s survey. 

These drunk driving statistics aren’t just numbers, however. They represent family members and friends whose lives were cut short because someone decided to drink and drive. But beyond fatalities, countless individuals suffer injuries, trauma, and life-altering consequences due to DWI incidents.

The Physical Risks: Your Body on Alcohol

Consuming alcohol affects your central nervous system—responsible for receiving, processing, and responding to stimuli. That said, it can impair your muscle coordination, resulting in slower reaction times, and negatively impact your information processing capability, which could result in your making bad decisions. Alcohol can also impair your visual functions and auditory information processing, increasing your risk of getting involved in car crashes.

How Drunk is ‘Drunk’?

In many states, drivers with blood alcohol content or BAC level of 0.08% are considered legally impaired. However, even at low levels, alcohol can still impair your judgment and reaction time. A 2022 study discovered that ‘driving performance and subjective awareness’ was evident even among motorists with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.07 percent—and most drivers aren’t even aware of their impairment. (3)  

Understanding the physical effects of alcohol consumption can help you realize just how dangerous it is to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated. And here’s another sobering thought: you can still be arrested for DWI even if your BAC is under the legal limit, so long as a local law enforcement officer determines that your driving is impaired.

Legal Consequences:  The Long Arm of the Law

The terms driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated or driving while impaired (DWI) are often used interchangeably, but there can be subtle differences depending on the jurisdiction. In some states, DUI can cover both alcohol and drugs, while DWI almost exclusively means drunk driving. 

Jail time, Fines, and License Suspension

Regardless, their legal consequences can be severe and long-lasting. A DWI or DUI conviction can land you in jail. It can also lead to license suspension and fines. A court may also require you to install an ignition interlock device in your vehicle before you can get your license back. Some states may impose alcohol education or treatment provider assistance for DWI offenders.  

These consequences become even more severe for repeat offenders or if your DWI has caused injury or death to others. Also, if you flee from a car accident, you may face additional legal raps or penalties.

The financial toll is staggering, too, with drunk driving crashes costing over USD$ 58 billion annually. A drunk driver may have to spend jail time and pay thousands if proven guilty. (4)

However, the legal ramifications don’t end there. A conviction stays on your record, potentially affecting your employment opportunities, and your car insurance rates will likely increase. These are powerful reminders of why it’s important to understand and avoid the dangers of DWI.

Social and Emotional Impact: Beyond the Individuals Involved

The social and emotional toll of impaired driving crashes likewise affects families, friends, and entire communities. Old and young drivers involved in a fatal or serious DWI incident are likely to feel guilt and emotional trauma. This overwhelming feeling can lead to mental issues, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If not managed, these can have grave consequences on the individual.

For victims and their loved ones, the impact is even more profound. Families torn apart by the loss, survivors dealing with life-altering injuries, and communities shaken by preventable tragedies—there are the hidden costs of drunk driving that statistics often fail to capture.

Why Hiring a Skilled Lawyer Is Crucial

The wide-reaching effects of a DUI or DWI conviction can touch every aspect of your life—most especially your finances, mental health, and freedom. It’s a high price to pay for a decision that could’ve been avoided.  

Whether you’re accused or are filing a DWI case, a skilled car accident lawyer helps you:

  • Get legal expertise from attorneys with deep knowledge of current statutes, precedents, and procedural nuances in your state’s legal system.
  • Ensure your rights are protected at all times.
  • If you’re filing a complaint, the lawyer can help pursue the best legal outcomes for your losses.  
  • For the accused, an attorney can evaluate your case thoroughly to identify weaknesses or procedural errors that could work in your favor—including the possibility of case dismissal.
  • Negotiate on your behalf to reduce charges or penalties, for instance, community service instead of jail time.

Having a legal advocate on your side can provide reassurance that your best interests are always represented at all times. While it may entail costs, the price of a conviction and potential losses as a victim can be far higher.

Engaging the services of experienced drink driving solicitors can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Their expertise and knowledge in handling such matters ensure that you receive the best possible defense and guidance throughout the legal process.

Don’t Drink and Drive

Understanding the dangers of driving while intoxicated goes beyond knowing that it’s wrong. By itself, alcohol abuse already has a significant impact on the lives of the individual, their families, and communities.

By being a sober driver, you make responsible choices to prevent car crashes. So, instead of drinking and driving, take heed of the risks and consider these life-disrupting repercussions. This could help you save lives—maybe even your own.


  1. ‘Drunk Driving’. Source: https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drunk-driving#:~:text=Every%20day%2C%20about%2037%20people%20in%20the%20United%20States%20die%20in%20drunk%2Ddriving%20crashes%20%E2%80%94%20that%27s%20one%20person%20every%2039%20minutes.%20In%202022%2C%2013%2C524%20people%20died%20in%20alcohol%2Dimpaired%20driving%20traffic%20deaths.%20These%20deaths%20were%20all%20preventable.
  2. ‘The Most Dangerous States For Drivers 2024’. Source: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/most-dangerous-states-for-drivers/#:~:text=Montana%20and%20South%20Carolina%20remain%20the%20deadliest%20states%20for%20drivers%20in%202023.%20Speeding%20is%20responsible%20for%20more%20than%20a%20third%20of%20fatal%20crashes%20in%20both%20states%2C%20but%20impaired%20and%20negligent%20driving%20led%20to%20nearly%2090%25%20of%20Montana%E2%80%99s%20auto%20fatalities.
  3. ‘Effects of alcohol intoxication on driving performance, confidence in driving ability, and psychomotor function: a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study’. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9671988/#:~:text=The%20findings%20of,of%20their%20impairment.
  4. ‘2024 Drunk Driving Statistics’. Source: https://www.bankrate.com/insurance/car/drunk-driving/#:~:text=Drinking%20and%20driving%20costs%20more%20than%20%2458%20billion%20in%20deaths%20and%20damages%20annually.

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